Monday, July 6, 2020


I wanted to get my front flower beds planted before Memorial Day.  As you can see, the winter pansies were still looking great, but the first hot days, they will wilt.

Because they still looked great, I transplanted the best plants into a planter to keep on the porch.

Here are the new plantings.  A few were perennials, so I won't have to plant so many annuals next year.

This year in the spring, I transplanted one hydrangea plant and used a recommended fertilizer from Garden Answer. It is called Espoma Organic Rose-tone Organic fertilizer.

This is the first year I have tried it.  Last year this set of 3 hydrangea plants had only 3 blooms total.  Look at this years yield. I can't wait until it blooms out.  I will definitely be using this fertilizer in the future.

So now, I can just sit back and watch the bed take off.  I just took these pictures this morning. The beds are filling out. The hydrangeas are exploding. I will definitely will be using the Rose tone fertilizer again.   

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