Thursday, September 5, 2013


Digging in clay in Alabama brings more of a challenge.  Because our soil is so heavily clay laden, regular digging can cause a problem.  Mr. Thrifty generally uses a pick ax to cut through the soil.  However, the pick ax can cut through more than just clay so a person needs to be very careful about the exact spot they wish to dig.  Also knowing where the sprinkler system lies is also crucial to be aware of  before you begin.

On the occasion that the pick ax comes in contact with one of the PVC pipes, it can obliterate it in one hit.  Calling a sprinkler expert guarantees at least a $100.00 charge for coming out to fix one of these lines. 

So, I am going to go step by step to show you how Mr. Thrifty fixes this broken line.  As Mr. Thrifty was working on installing a drain in the yard, the pick ax found its mark.  Let me show you a picture of one such break.

First, make sure your sprinkler system is turned off.  Then clean at least 8 inches on each side to avoid getting soil into the clean line.  Make sure to dig underneath the pipe also to give you a relatively clean field.

Then cut  the hole out and leave two even ends.  The Mr. even files the ends of the pipe in order to get a clean edge before attaching the new piece.

The two adhesive components are shown here.

Each line must have a coat of PVC cement primer first and then it is followed by the PVC cement.
This is the actual coupling piece that costs $3.38 without tax at Home Depot.

First an adapter coupling is attached to one end of the pipe to accept the 3/4-inch end of the extension coupling.  Primer and adhesive are covered inside and out of the accepting PVC pipe.

The coupling is attached to the cut pipe first.

Once the coupling is attached to the the broken line, you can expand the coupling to span the gap to the other line.

 Once the coupling is completely attached, let it dry for 24 hours.  It is wise to wait the full 24 hours before testing your sprinkler system.

The next day, we ran the sprinkler, the line was fixed and we were back in business.  We saved ourselves a lot of money on this one.  I hope the explanation and pictures could allow you to walk through the same problem.  Good Luck!

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