Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Front Porch Column Bird Solution

When we moved to our most recent house, we had beautiful columns out front on the porch.

It didn't take long to realize that the birds wanted to take over our porch.  When I would go out to  get the paper, I found multiple piles of bird droppings.  It seemed that the birds had overtaken the columns and had nested at the top of them.  There had to be a solution.  Off to Home Depot to see what they had to remedy the problem.  To no avail, I came up empty handed.   Then my husband came up with an idea.  If we could make their perches non-friendly, then we would solve our problem.  Mr. Thrifty went to his workshop and cut 3 inch by 12 inch strips of wood out of beadboard scraps.  Then, he drilled multiple holes through the strip.  Finally, he drove short nails through each of the holes.

He made one strip for each of the columns.  When completed, he set the wood strip on to the top of the column.
  What you see from the back of the column is this.....

For some reason, the birds seem to nest on only the back of the columns. 

From the front, you can hardly see the 'tack strips'.

Last summer we placed these strips up and immediately the bird droppings were gone and no new nests were built. 

For any of you out there with the same problem, try our solution.
No more cleaning off the porch.

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